Yes, Men And Women See Clothing Differently

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The Quest Of Fashion: Men And Women Are Polar Opposites

Although men and women share a great deal in common, they differ just as much if not more in a variety of things. Whether it be the type of recreational activities they like to engage in or the occupations that they excel in, the differences between men and women can often time be wide and stark. Taste in fashion is something that most men and women typically do not share. Where men are often simplistic and utilitarian in what they wear, women tend to be more fun, relaxed and expressive with their fashion sense. Let’s examine each.

The Female Approach

women fashion
Female Approach on Fashion
image: Pixabay

The approach that women take towards fashion is vast and varied, but there is one underlying throughline that connects them all. That is the ultimate goal of being comfortable in your own skin. Some like to navigate their day in high-end couture while others feel like themselves in business casual. Many appreciate something fun and light like the tank tops found at Whatever the fashion, the goal is usually to express themselves and their individuality. Like a vast mosaic, there are differences in their appearance but there’s a similarity in the end result. That being to let what they wear announce who they are.

The Male Approach

Male approach on Fashion
image: Pixabay

The male approach is quite different. Where most women would feel a bit awkward if they showed up to an event wearing an outfit that is the same as someone else, men are perfectly at peace blending into a crowd of those who are similarly dressed. That’s not to say that men don’t have their moments when they want to stick out in a crowd because they do. The honest truth is that most men appreciate the clothes that they wear for comfort and utility rather than an opportunity to make a statement. Jackets and sportswear from sites like are valued because they keep you warm while out among nature as much if not more than for how they look. It’s all about filling a need for most men. The clothes match the situation whether that’s work or play.

Watch Them Shop

The difference between the male and female approach to fashion is never more clear than when they actually shop for clothes. Men would describe women as ridiculously complicated when they browse through a store. Women would say that men are far too simple in how they make their fashion choices. Men usually know what they want before they arrive. The goal then is to get in and out as quickly as possible. When are particular in their desire and tend to focus on the details. Time is never a consideration. It’s all about exploration and discovering the perfect outfit that speaks to them. Observing this wild frontier of fashion establishments and malls across the country is quite fascinating.

Never let it be said that men and women are alike because in most ways they are not. The difference in how they approach finding clothes and what those clothes represent is like night and day. It is ok that they are different. What is important is to always be who you are in life and in fashion. Men should never tell a woman how to dress and women shouldn’t try to do the same with men either. If would just be a major disaster. It is, and always will be, best to embrace and rejoice the simplicity and complication that each brings to the ritual of clothing. It will probably never change.

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