Small and medium sized handbags, satchels, and purses were my usual purchases when I was still single. But now that I have my own family my bag portfolio also expanded to include tote bags or mommy bags. These are medium to large sized bags with several pockets to help moms organize their things and are usually open or unfastened. One of my best tote purchases is The Everything Market Tote from Vonny Los Angeles. I use it for running errands with Sean and almost everywhere I go when I’m with him.
This trusty tote is durable and versatile that it can be used for purchasing groceries, carrying snacks and props for an afternoon in the park, or my tablet and Sean’s activity books whenever we visit the dentist, doctor, or anyplace where we are expected to wait our turn. It has three pouches inside where I put my mobile phone, pens and parking tickets or claim stubs. These items often get lost or get stuck somewhere at the bottom of the bag, having pouches to hold them eliminates the need to rummage around the bag to find them. It also has two large front pockets where I usually put wipes and tissue for quick access in case Sean gets dirty or messy. The bag is durable and easy to clean, I had no trouble in converting it from a grocery or fresh produce carrier to an overnight bag. It also helps that the leather straps, pink mardi gras beads design, and baby pink lining is versatile enough to fit every use. I love the combination of the chocolate brown and pink in the bag.
The stylish design, comfortable straps, durability, and versatility of the Everything Market Tote makes it ideal for equally versatile mom’s who are always on the go. This particular bag comes in three different patterns to suit different tastes. I chose the one in Pink Mardi Gras but am also considering getting the black and white Bohemian and the colorful Garden District.
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