Tooth Whitening Products to Brighten Your Smile

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Consuming coffee, tea, and even vegetables can lead to yellowish stains on your teeth. However, this shouldn’t get in the way of having pearly whites for your smile. This is because there are tooth whitening products that can help you get rid of stains and tooth discoloration.  Here are some the options you can consider for a whiter and better looking smile.

  • Whitening Toothpaste. A whitening toothpaste is the most common over the counter product for whitening your teeth. They are chemical or polishing agents that remove surface stains from the tooth. However, they are not able to change the natural color of your teeth or work on deeper stains. If your main concern is simply to reduce yellow tint caused by surface stains, then a whitening toothpaste can suffice. Otherwise, you may need over the counter products that contain bleaching agents or peroxide.


  • Whitening Gels. These are clear and peroxide-based substances that are applied directly to the surface of your teeth. Tooth whitening products that contain peroxide are able to remove both intrinsic and extrinsic stains on your teeth. As such, your naturally yellowish teeth can also be whiter after a few days.


  • Whitening Strips. If you want an alternative way to apply your whitening gel, then a strip can also do nicely. These are virtually invisible strips that are coated with peroxide based gel. Whitening strips are cheaper and easy to apply compared to other tooth whitening products. However, one must be ensure that strips are applied according to instructions to prevent irritation.


  • Whitening Rinses. Just like toothpaste, a mouthwash can freshen your breath and help reduce plaque and gum disease. You can also opt for a mouthwash with whitening properties to get your pearly whites back. Simply swish them around your mouth before brushing your teeth every day. It may take longer to see the effects compared to other products but you still get to see results after around 12 weeks.


  • Tray-based or professional grade tooth whiteners. These are whitening kits that may be purchased over the counter or through your dentist. It usually contains a peroxide based whitening solution and a dental tray that is worn for a couple of hours a day. It is always best to use these products under the supervision or advise of a dentist.


Having a nice set of pearly whites gives you confidence to brighten up your smile. However, this shouldn’t be done at the expense of your oral health. Prolonged use of tooth whitening products may cause irritation or sensitivity. Dental health also vary in each person and so treatment may vary depending on your teeth’s condition. As such, your best option is always in the hands of a dental professional.

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