Let’s face it – clothing is costly, what’s more, most people become attached to their most comfortable pieces. Often you want to keep wearing those favorites again and again, and save those special jean shorts when they’re frayed and torn, and that delightful dress even when it’s shrunk and is a bit too short. Here are some tips on how to make your clothes last longer without spending lots of cash.
Don’t Launder Too Often
If your clothes are still fresh after you’ve worn them once, hang then back up instead of throwing them into the laundry basket. Over-washing your clothes will make them fade, lose their shape and become threadbare.
Wear Dress Extenders
A dress extender is a lace under-slip that reaches a couple of inches below a skirt or dress (they are also available for short shorts). Just the lace part shows and it’s a classy way to add an extra inch or two to very short dresses. Look here to find out more about dress extenders.
Use White Vinegar
Always keep some white vinegar handy. It is perfect for stain removal. For persistent stains, make a paste with vinegar and baking soda. You can also add half a cupful of vinegar to your washing machine to brighten whites and colors.
Freeze Your Panty Hose
It might sound crazy but popping your pantyhose into the freezer for 24 hours after you buy them will make them last longer. Freezing strengthens their nylon fibers. Just run them under the tap, seal them in a plastic bag and place in the freezer. After 24 hours, let them thaw naturally.
Be Gentle With Your Delicates
Wash delicate woolens by hand or on a gentle cycle. This will prevent them from getting bobbles. It also helps not to wash them with heavier items, and to use gentle detergent. If pills do appear, shave them with a battery operated fabric shaver.
Make the Most of a Lint Roller
That little black dress really doesn’t need to be washed, you just need to run a lint roller over it to remove the hairs and fluff. In five minutes it will look as good as new. Keep a lint roller in the car for when you’re on the go.
Keep Those Spare Buttons
Most new jackets, shirts, and dresses come with spare buttons attached. Don’t leave them there. Remove them straight away and keep them all in a jar so you know exactly where they are when you need them.
Wash In Cold Water
Not only will this save you money on your power bill, it’s also kind to your clothes. These days, many detergents are designed to remove dirt from clothes even in cold water. Furthermore, washing in cold water extends the life of many fabrics, such as elastic and nylon.
Fasten Zippers
Zip up your jeans and hoodies before you wash them. The teeth on open zippers are sharp and can tear into your other clothes. Make sure they’re zipped all the way to the top.
Follow these tips and your favorite clothes will last much longer.