Nailing the Right Look: 4 Golden Spring Fashion Rules for Women

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Spring maybe a few months away, but the fashion show people always prepare at least six months in advance of all clothing seasons. When it comes to spring fashions, you can be sure of two things: floral prints and colors outside the norm, which includes white clothing.

If you want more information on spring clothing, check out It is never too early to think about the next season’s wardrobe.

Here are 4 Golden Rules for Women’s Spring Fashion

1. White Clothing

The old rule was never wearing white clothing after Labor Day or before Memorial Day. This rule is not as carved in stone as it was a few decades ago. Mainly because those women in the south or in warmer climates fine wearing white clothing to be acceptable as well as comfortable.

Today, younger women and those who love the latest fashion are embracing the winter white collections. These outfits take textured clothing and off-white colors to a whole new level. And you don’t have to live in the warmer climates to rock these looks.

2. The Trench Coat

You may think that this fashion trend has been around for a while, and you would be right. It is nothing new this spring, except for the colors, and the fact it went from classic to cool. Every woman should purchase at least two trench coats for her spring clothing collection. One in traditional tan and another color.  

When you purchase a purple, pink, light blue or bright green trench coat, you are updating a classic. Another upgrade is the belt, the belt is longer and should be wrapped and tied around your waist instead of using the loopholes.

3. Bloom

Spring is a time for blooming plants and flowers. This should transfer to what you are wearing. You can mix and match small blooms with larger floral patterns as well as solids with flower prints.

The area you live in may dictate the length of your sleeves, but that doesn’t mean you need to keep wearing your corduroys and plaid fashions. Take the springtime to switch your wardrobe up with big, bold flowers, or small baby buds and leaves in various shades of pink and coral colors.

4. Lace and Delicate Fabrics

Opt for a lace style blouse with more frills than usual. Frills are a go big or go home style most seasons. However, not everyone will embrace the frills. If you don’t see yourself wearing a frilly blouse, opt for one with straight lace. This is a feminine style and can be paired with a full skirt, a straight skirt, shorts or Capris or jeans.

Look at delicate fabrics, silks and combination cottons. Opt for cutouts in the shoulders, or straps across the top of the chest. These delicate accents scream spring as they show more skin than you have in the past several months of winter.

Spring is the time to shed your winter clothing and show off a bit of skin. Opt for delicate and girly fabrics as well as something that is considered cool and you will be a style icon in no time.

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