A tote bag is a must-have in any woman’s closet. It’s the most convenient way of carrying all the stuff we need. Decades ago, the first tote bags were just plain big bags with open tops. I’m supposing they looked more like sturdy sacks with handles. Not really something you’d want to wear with your trendy outfit. Thankfully, designers came up with tote bags that were as stylish as they were functional. Now, we get to enjoy tote bags in a variety of styles and design.
Another great addition to my collection of tote bags is the Nella Bella Angelica in Brown which I got from Apricot Collection. At first glance, this bag looks oh so dainty with the pretty ribbon accent. There’s nothing delicate about it though as this bag is sturdy enough for everyday use. At 11 x 7 x 13 inches, it’s roomy enough to hold even my iPad. It comes with a removable inside lining with a zipper closure to secure your belongings. The lining also has a zippered pocket inside and a small side pocket for your mobile phone or keys. The hard bottom ensures that the bag won’t lose its shape even when it’s full. Angelica also comes with a change purse which you can carry separately or attach to the bag itself. You can choose to hang it outside or secure it inside the tote. A feature that moms with toddlers like me would find very useful is the adjustable cross-body strap that can be used for some hands-free toting. It really is a good buy at only $119.
The Nella Bella Angelica tote bag is available at Apricot Collection. There’s a flat shipping rate of $5.95 for US and Canada orders. It comes in other colors also but those have been sold out already. The Angelica in brown is bound to be sold out soon as well so head on over their site now.