Make Shopping Fun For Your Man

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Most men wouldn’t be caught dead carrying their wife’s or girlfriend’s shopping bags as the women in their lives gleefully hop from one store to the next, unmindful of the calluses that are slowly growing on her man’s feet.  While it’s a well-known fact that men would much rather go online and surf than be a shopping-bag-carrying dude at their lady’s beck and call, they still dutifully do it- out of sheer love for their woman.  This is so endearingly sweet, but if we do love our men back, we should be a little more considerate of their feelings, especially when it comes to shopping.

So as not to bore them out of their wits while we meticulously scour the shops for that perfect pair of jeans, there are some things we could get them to do, even if that means being apart from them for a few minutes to several hours at most.

Let him surf the net.  Since most malls now have free wi-f i- and your hubby most probably has a wi-fi enabled phone-leave him at a coffee shop where he can freely surf the net.  He would hardly notice time passing him by.

Drop him off at the hardware section.  That’s a man’s paradise.  Let him stay there for as long as he wants.  It’s either that, or the sports section of the mall.

Give him a prize.  The least you could do is reward him for his efforts.  Be the sweet gal that you are and get him something…anything to make him smile.  It could be as simple as a bottle of his favorite beer, or a new tie to wear to work.

When you finally meet up with him again after a long day of shopping, give him a huge thank you and hand him his prize.  He’s sure to look forward to shopping with you again.

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