How To Make Your Daughter’s Prom Special

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There comes a time in a lot of parent’s lives where they need to send their teenage daughter off to prom. This can be quite an overwhelming experience as you will need to help them prepare for the big day and be there to take the photographs. Here, we are going to give you some tips on how you can make your daughter’s prom special. Keep reading if you’d like to find out more.

Set A Budget

The first thing that you are going to need to do to make your daughter’s prom night special is to set a budget. You should be realistic with your budget but also remember that this is a really special night. If you can afford it then don’t be afraid to spend a little more on the dress and the transport for the night. As long as you stick to your budget, you should be able to make the day really special and less stressful for you.

The Perfect Prom Dress

Prom dresses have a reputation for being very expensive, but they are often the most important part of the whole event. Make sure to take her shopping or help her have a look online for the perfect dress. To help get you started, you could take a look at the Jovani dresses for 2019 which come in a variety of colors, shapes and styles, allowing you to select one that suits your daughters preferences exactly. Try to be reasonable when she is choosing the dress and let her make the final choice. Hopefully, she will find the perfect dress and will be excited about wearing it on her big night.

Hair And Make Up

If you want to make your daughter’s prom night special, then you should think about how her hair and makeup is going to be done. She might want to wear a little more makeup than she normally does so you should remember that this is an exciting night and try to avoid making a big deal out of it. If you can afford it, think about getting her makeup and hair done professionally as this will make her feel more confident about how she looks on the night.

Discuss The Date Problem

For many teenagers, prom can be quite stressful as finding a date is not always easy. If you want to make this night special for your daughter, then you should discuss this with her. If she is upset because she does not have anyone to go with her as her date, then you should try your best to reassure her. Many girls go as a group all the time to prom so don’t let her feel as though she is missing out by not having a date. At the end of the day, prom dates are not really something that we look back on, so she will be happier in a few years’ time that she spent the night with her friends.

Surprise Transport

Another great way to make your daughter’s prom night extra special is to organise some transport for her as a surprise. She might be under the impression that you are driving her to prom but if you can organise for a limo to pick her and her friends up then you will make her really happy. If you have a bit more spare cash from your budget, you could even arrange for a party bus to come and pick them up where they can sing karaoke and dance on the way to the big event.

Take Photographs

If you want this to be a night your daughter remembers forever, then make sure that you are there to take some photographs. You might find that she doesn’t want to stand and take photographs all night but if you are able to get a few group shots and some candid pictures you might find that she appreciates it in the future. Remember to keep the photographs safe because the rest of your family are likely to want to see them!

Let Her Enjoy It

Our final tip for parents who want to make their daughter’s prom amazing is to let her enjoy it. You might easily find yourself getting involved in things that you don’t need to be, and this might make her night a little harder. Try to compromise on things like the dress and the cost of the accessories and do everything that you can to make her happy. If you are able to support her and let her go off to do her own thing then you will find that she will have the perfect prom thanks to you.

Makes sure to take on board all of the tips that we have given you in this article. Your daughter will appreciate it and she will remember this night for many years to come.


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