How to Make Your Clothes Last Longer

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Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  Why did my girlfriend’s rich male friend give Interflora gifts for her at the drop of a hat, when there was no special occasion?  These are just some of life’s mysteries which I have absolutely no answers for, but I do know one thing: that in this day and age, it has become a necessity to live a frugal life.  There’s no denying that it has become fashionable to pinch pennies in today’s difficult times.

One of the ways to save on shopping for clothes is by making your clothes last longer.  Here are some tips on how to keep your clothes looking like brand new:



Line dry your clothes.  Doing so puts less strain on them, thus extending their life.

Use wooden or cloth-covered hangers.  When hanging your clothes in the closet, it’s better to use these, as metal ones tend to leave rust stains on your clothes.

Give your clothes or shoes time to breathe and restore by not wearing them two days in a row.  Try to leave at least one day in between.

Determine whether you use hard or soft water.  The amount of detergent you’ll have to use will depend on that.  If you use too much detergent, this could potentially damage clothes over time.

When washing delicates, put them in mesh bags to avoid unwanted snags.  It would also make sense to store them in separate bags inside your drawers.  That expensive gift box your husband  got you from the florist will last longer if you care for them.

When your clothes get stained, try washing it immediately as it will be more difficult to get the stain out if you let it sit.

Care for your clothes the way you would a loving relationship. With tender-loving care, anything should last you a lifetime.

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