Guest Post: Plastic surgery: Five of the most popular procedures

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According to The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), the number of cosmetic procedures between 2010 and 2011 rose by six per cent – despite the recession and a notorious breast implant scandal. It seems the British population are not scared to go under the knife – but what are they having done?
Audit figures from BAAPS revel these five surgeries were the most popular:

Breast augmentation
A total of 10,015 people had a breast augmentation in 2011 alone, making this the most-popular type of cosmetic operation in the UK. Figures rose by 6.2 per cent in a year and both men and women had their chest enhanced. While there are many ways to carry out a breast enlargement procedure, the implants are usually inserted via a small incision underneath each breast.

Blepharoplasty is a type of eyelid surgery that’s used to remove bags and excess skin from around the eyes. It was carried out on 6,057 people last year and is the second most requested procedure in the UK. During the operation, an incision is made in the creases of the eyelids or just below the eyelashes and fat and skin is removed – helping to tighten up the area.

Breast reduction
Large breasts can cause many problems including: backache, poor posture, shoulder pain, excess sweating and skin conditions. They can also be a source of embarrassment, which is why many people opt for a breast reduction procedure at a reputable clinic. In fact, 5,291 individuals had their chest sized reduced in 2011 with year-on-year figures rising by 6.7 per cent.

Face/ neck lift
As we age, the skin around our face and neck can head south – but age isn’t the only reason. Environmental factors, smoking and dramatic weight loss can cause the jaw and neckline to slacken – so it’s worth seeking help. During a face/neckline, the skin around the lower half of the face, neck and jawline is tightened to create a firmer, more youthful appearance. A total of 4,968 people had this done last year with the amount of procedures rising by 4.5 per cent.

There are many different types of nose plastic surgery, but rhinoplasty is one of the most popular. It involves a full correction of the bridge, nose tip and nostrils and was carried out on 4,518 people last year – making it the fifth most-popular procedure on this list. Other types of nose surgery include septorhinoplasty – which is the same as a rhinoplasty but includes a readjustment of the septum – and rhinotip, which is a tip correction and nostril adjustment.

These were the top five procedures of 2011 for men and women combined but would you have any work done?

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