From Quarantine to the New Normal: Lifestyle Changes Amidst Covid 19


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After more than a month of being on community quarantine, people are starting to adjust to a life amidst a Covid 19 pandemic. But of course everyone is looking forward to the gradual lifting of quarantine soon.  However, one shouldn’t expect everything to be the same as it was. A new normal is taking the place of life as we knew it. Until a vaccine for this virus is found, we all have to make lifestyle changes to control its spread.

On Work and Activities. Once quarantine measures are eased, people will no longer be restricted at home and allowed to go to work. However, rules on social distancing will remain to minimize risk of spread or contamination. Some companies have adopted work from home measures to lessen the number of people reporting to the work place. Work from home arrangements will likely be normal in most businesses post quarantine. As such people will be changing from having physical interactions to virtual ones.

On Social Activities. Social gatherings or mass gatherings are still highly discouraged because it poses a high risk of contagion. As such people are maximizing online tools to stay in touch with friends and celebrate special occasions. We have seen several weddings, graduations, and birthdays celebrated via video conference and it worked pretty well for the celebrants. This is likely going to be the new normal while Covid 19 is around.

On Fashion. Face mask is going to be a staple for those who want to protect themselves from the virus. There may be shortages in medical grade face masks but there is no shortage of fashionable masks that can be worn for your regular day to day activities. Fashion designers have featured their face masks creations online and you can also find some made by displaced workers.

On Shopping. As for shopping, malls are going to be opened soon but just the same not all stores will be open and social distancing must be observed. If you want a safe and convenient option then simply do your shopping online. Grab, Food Panda, and Lalamove food delivery a lifelines during the quarantine. Now that online shopping sites are back in business you can get everything you need from daily essentials, home and garden needs, to medicine online.

Even if we flatten the curve, the risk of the virus spreading is still there. The only way people can be secured or protected from Covid 19 is through a cure or a vaccine. As such, it is prudent to remain vigilant in maintaining protective measures against Covid 19 while experts are working on the cure. Social distancing, proper hand washing, cough etiquette, personal hygiene, and a healthy lifestyle are practices that must be part of the new normal after the quarantine.  

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