Fancy Cut Engagement Rings Offer Unique Style and Class

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When you hear the term “fancy cut engagement rings” you may be unsure of what exactly this is referring to. A fancy cut engagement ring is when a diamond cutter shapes a raw diamond in a way that allows a larger retention of its carat weight.

The initial reasons behind the development of the Fancy Cuts creation was to maintain the original shape and weight of the raw diamond. While diamond cutters are still following this original guideline, the introduction of the extremely popular round brilliant cut has created a demand for a larger number of raw diamonds to be cut down into this shape, since it is considered the most desirable option available today.

engagement ring

Any experienced diamond cutter will be able to see the types of shapes that would most effectively be able to retain the weight for the raw diamond being used, and would then begin cutting the diamond in accordance to the characteristics of its raw shape. Another consideration made by cutters is the lighting when a diamond is being shaped.

There are a number of different reasons that fancy cuts are used, from the fashionable to the practical. A fancy cut engagement ring can be divided into four general sub-categories, which include: rose cuts, mixed cuts, step cuts and modified brilliants.

The Modified Brilliant

The modified brilliant, as the description implies, is a type of brilliant cut diamond that has a shape changed from the usual round brilliant. As a result of this change, there are a number of different shapes that technology and modern cutting techniques can create, which include the navette, trillian, marquise and heart. This is a popular cut due to the fact it provides the desired brilliance of the sought after round brilliant cut in a much more personalized and unique shape.

The Step Cut

Step cuts, which are also referred to as a trap cut, can be recognized by the square or rectangular shape, which feature the facets for the pavilion and the crown running in a parallel direction to the girdle; this is also one of the longest used cut forms. An advantage offered by the step cut is the fact it will preserve a larger amount of the raw diamond’s initial weight when compared to the more traditional brilliant cut. The emerald cut is the most well-known type of step cut available.

Finding the right diamonds or mens black wedding bands can be made easier with the help of a professional like Northwood Rings.



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