Diva’s Choice: Man Made Diamonds

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If you see me sulking in a desolate corner on Valentine’s day, that means only two things: either I didn’t get my blogging pay on time, or my man didn’t get me anything for this day of hearts- no, not even an alternative to diamonds.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no gold digger or material girl!  I just know for a fact that it makes any woman feel precious to be given anything made up of diamonds.  Times are hard, that’s’ also a fact, so it’s absolutely comforting to know that there is such a thing as man made diamonds.

No, these don’t come from your preschooler’s art class.  They are real diamonds made inside a laboratory.  The earth’s underground conditions have been simulated, thus producing real diamonds.  The same chemical and structural properties of these precious stones are preserved in the process.

So, when the next special occasion comes around, men should know better…

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