Butter-up Your Body

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Soft, smooth and healthy skin is one of the best beauty assets that we can have. Great skin makes us look good and feel good in any outfit that we wear. It boosts our confidence to wear skin baring outfits that exude sexiness regardless of our body size.

A skin care essential for a soft, smooth and glowing skin is hydration. Moisturizers, body oils, lotions and body butters help us keep our skin hydrated. One of the best hydrating or moisturizing products that you can use is body butter.

Most body butters contain natural ingredients and skin nourishing nutrients like Vitamin C,E, and A, plus they also make you smell good. The Body Shop and Victoria ’s Secret have a wide selection of body butter with different fragrances and moisturizing strength. So butter up for skin that looks good, feels good and smells good.

Images from http://thebodyshop.ph/

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