A Quick Look at High-Protein Diet Options for Muscle Building

We discuss some easy high-protein diet options to support your activities and fitness goals.

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Each of us have different nourishment requirements to keep our bodies fit and healthy. This is why it is important to tailor your diet according to your activities and fitness goals. We’ve got a food plate as a general guide on how to eat healthy but it is not enough for those who seriously want to get fit. If your goal is body building or muscle building then you may want to take a look at these high-protein diet options to support your fitness goals.

High-Carb High-Protein Diet. When it comes to muscle building you will need both energy and strength for your cardio and lifting exercises. This is why a high-carb high-protein diet is recommended for those who want a lean and muscular body. You can maximize the results or your training or fitness routine if it is complemented by the proper nutrition. Now what is the best diet plan for you? This would of course depend on your current weight, food intake, and fitness routine.  For instance, a meal plan designed for someone weighing 140 lbs. has a calorie intake of 1,820 to 2,100 and while it only takes 1,430 to 1,650 calories for a 110 lb. person. The basis for this is a ratio of around 13-15 calories per lb. of bodyweight.

Lean and Clean Diet. Helping you build muscles and shed fat is the main goal of the lean and clean diet. It’s a 28-day meal plan that is filled with fresh and clean food choices which are high in protein. In this plan your daily protein intake should be equivalent to at least 1 gram of protein for each pound of bodyweight while carbs are kept at around 100 to 150 grams per day. You’ll find an array of lean and high-quality proteins in this diet including egg whites, lean red meat, and poultry, all of which are as unprocessed as possible. Their recommended sources of clean and fiber-rich carbs are rice, whole-grain bread, potatoes, and oats.

Vegan Bodybuilding Diet. Protein is and essential component in building muscles. This is why body builders usually have a high-protein diet often sourced from animal protein. Vegans or vegetarians get their protein from plant-based sources so getting protein in their diet isn’t a concern. However, plant-based protein is of lower quality compared to animal protein. This means that they have to compensate by increasing their intake of these proteins to meet the nutritional requirements for body building. Their best sources of protein include:

beans, legumes, hemp, flax, sunflower, Chia Seeds, quinoa, amaranth, soy products, Spirulina, Sprouted Grain Breads, oats, nuts, nut butters, whole grains and cereals.

Aside from protein, the Vegan Bodybuilding Diet also recommend including the following sources of nutrients:

Calcium-fortified plant milks and yogurts, Nutritional Yeast, Tahini, Healthy Oils like avocado and olive oil, Vegan Dark Chocolate, and of course lots of fruits, vegetables, and water.

A high-protein diet is essential regardless if you are just starting to build muscles or maintaining a lean physique. The important thing to remember is to keep a healthy balance of protein and carbs in your diet without neglecting your micronutrient needs. It is also equally important to be conscious of food and drinks that you need to avoid. Basically, you just need to stay away from alcohol, soda, added sugar, deep fried food items, and junk food.

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