Dry skin and makeup

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Diva Fabulosa

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Amongst the categorizations of skins that are most important when you want to know which make up routine you should be following is the dry skin. As the name suggests dry skins appear dry and flaky and according to some sources is prone to wrinkles.

In cold weather dry skin is known to dry up even further and therefore requires some pretty intense routines in terms of caring for it.

The first step that you need to observe with dry skin is with regards to washing up, it is generally recommended to avoid long and hot showers as these strips the skin off the oil that is used for moisturizing the skin.

Secondly when caring for dry skins, you need to consider the use of moisturizers, moisturizers tend to keep the skin looking good and healthy. If you already have wrinkles around your eyes, then it is highly recommended that you use eye cream or serum to try and even out these wrinkles.

There are various other cosmetics tips such as the use of an appropriate foundation along with the proper tools of applications such as a foundation brush are also recommended these should be used with creams and blemish concealers where necessary. Generally there are a whole lot of tips on the internet with regards to caring for dry skin.


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