5 Workouts You Need To Start Doing to Beat Aging

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5 Workouts You Need To Start Doing to Beat Aging

Who doesn’t want to be young and healthy?  Almost everyone in this world wants to stay young and healthy, but few of them are really committed to do whatever it takes to accomplish their anti-aging goals.

Here in this blog post, I am going to introduce some of the workouts that will cause anti-aging effects on your body and muscles.

You have the peak muscle mass when you reach your early forties. Later as you age the muscles get contracted and you will start to lose the muscle mass and the aging occurs.

There are some of the proven exercises and workouts that are meant for people who are willing to reduce the aging effects on muscles.

High intensity interval training

This is one of the most preferred workouts that is proven to reduce the aging effects on your muscles.

If you are wondering what HIIT is, it is a form of aerobic workouts that is accompanied by frequent intervals or breaks.  The high intensity interval training consists of routine where there are high intensity aerobic exercises like fast cycling or running and it is accompanied by frequent breaks. These forms of physical activity are done by bodybuilders, athletes, and it increases the effectiveness of their workout regime. It is also very effective in order to accomplish your anti-aging goals.

The researchers at Mayo Clinic, concluded that high intensity interval training (not weight training), helps you to slow down or even reverse aging at a cellular level.

This format of workout where you push up your body to max, with intervals in between, helps to improve the cardiovascular and respiratory health. It also helps you to regulate blood glucose and sugar levels by increasing your sensitivity to insulin. These benefits are quintessential and very important when you age.

Running or jogging

Any aerobic exercises like running acts on a cellular level and carry many benefits as far as anti-aging is concerned.

Running, jogging or even walking as opposed to sedentary lifestyle is proven to improve cardiovascular health and carries many other physical and mental benefits.

Any form of aerobic exercises like running acts on a cellular level and increases the amount of Mitochondrial in your muscle cells. As you’ve learned in junior highs that mitochondria is essential for generating energy for your muscle cells.

It also helps you to improve your declining mobility, and helps you stay strong and active throughout your lifetime.

According to scientists, the metabolism of your body will fall 2 to 4% each year after you reach 30 years old. So, in order to maintain the metabolism rate in your body, incorporating any fitness or running routine in your life is very important. Poor metabolism is open linked to obesity, weight gain, and also reduction in overall performance.

Naturally, as we age the elasticity in our muscles and joints decreases. This in turn, decreases your mobility and your ability to ward off any injuries quickly.

Running helps to keep your joints and muscles lubricated and helps you to be more flexible in terms of mobility and also increasing your stride length.

In case if you wish to run in the comfort of your home, you may want to get an affordable treadmill for your home so that you don’t risk yourself hitting outdoors for running. This is a pretty hassle free approach to get all the benefits of running in the comfort of your home.


Workout your brain

Maintaining the mental health is as essential as maintaining the physical health as you age. As you age, the chances of you getting depression and anxiety will be higher.

Following some spiritual techniques like mindfulness, gratitude also meditation helps you to reverse the aging process in your brain according to Elizabeth Blackburn, a Nobel prize winner. She discovered that will be an enzyme called “Telomerase” and it helps you protect your chromosomal caps and wear and tear causing cellular division.

As you age, the length of the telomeres will be reduced. This increases your chances of getting any sort of Cancer and make your body susceptible to stress. So, yes. Meditational practices does increase the length of telomeres that would otherwise be shortened as you age.

Doing meditation and mindfulness is proven to also improve cognitive ability, less negative thoughts, better purpose in life and also helps you to live longer when compared to others who don’t embrace these practices.


Do squats

Working out your core or the largest muscle groups as you age will have a tremendous positive impact to reverse the changes or even reduce the aging effects on your muscles.

While doing high intensity workout sessions make sure you target larger muscle groups with your workout that tend to decline much faster than the other muscle groups as you age.

Squats is one of the types of the workout that targets the larger muscle group.

With this one single workout you workout various muscles like quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings and abdominals. It is the workout that works out the most muscles than any other workout on the planet.

For elderly when squats are not possible, simple sit-ups and squats without weights do a great positive impact in slowing down the muscle aging.

The squats is an essential mobility exercise that increases the flexibility of your entire lower part of your body.


Yoga for anti-aging

Yoga has been shown to reverse the aging process by giving elasticity to your muscles, tendons and ligaments. It also helps you to reduce fat and slower the weight gain.

It also carries many of the aerobic exercise benefits like promoting heart or cardio health and also helps your body to maintain spiritual peace. Yoga also helps in boosting the mobility by strengthening the backs, shoulders and also promote a strong sense of balance.

As we age, the amount of melatonin that is responsible for healthy sleep cycle seems to decrease.  Yoga on a regular basis helps to actually increase the levels of melatonin, thus effectively regulating your sleep cycle.

Yoga also gives a natural  look to your face and also makes your skin stay young and prevent it from premature aging.

Bottomline:  These are some of the most effective ways to beat aging. Along with these workouts, you need to also take care of your diet to make your success against aging achievable. You need to avoid high unsaturated fat and carbs food, and focus on getting natural proteins and vitamins from vegan sources.

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